



Minority languages in northern China and Siberia area of Russia










As we are all aware, today’s globalized society is undergoing ever increasingly rapid change. Many peoples have abandoned their traditional ways of life and now live in urban environments.

Approximately 7000 languages are spoken worldwide. However, it is assumed that by the end of the 21st century, only one third – maybe even only one tenth – of these languages will continue to exist. As language is a unique expression of the intellectual heritage and cultural knowledge of each speaker community, ways of conceptualizing the environment and social structure will be irretrievably lost with the death of a language.

In this lecture, I will talk about the fact that we conducted research on minority languages in the northwest and northeastern part of China, and also in the Siberian region of Russia.

当今全球化社会飞速发展, 许多人放弃了传统的生活方式,去城市中生活。

全世界大约使用7000种语言。 然而,据预测,到21世纪末这些语言中只剩三分之一存在 ,甚至只剩十分之一。语言是每个言语社区知识遗产和文化知识的独特表达,因此,随着语言的消亡,对环境和社会结构进行概念化的方式也必将消失。



吴人德司(KUREBITO, Tokusu)

日本东京外国语大学亚非语言文化研究所教授,精通蒙古语、汉语、日语、英语、俄语、楚科奇语。1998月3月毕业于京都大学,获得语言学博士学位。曾先后在美国阿拉斯加大学原住民语言中心、德国Max Plank进化论人类学研究所和英国埃塞克斯(Essex)大学访问。

主要研究领域为中国北方少数民族语言、俄罗斯西伯利亚地区原住民语言、濒危语言研究和语言类型论研究。出版专著《蒙古语会话入门》、《探検言语学》,研究的科研项目包括:《中国黑龙江省濒危语言--达斡尔语社会语言学调查研究》、《关于楚科奇语和蒙古语动词他动性的比较研究》、《东北欧亚诸语言的构词法地域类型学研究》,主要研究成果包括:A study of vowel harmony in Mongolian and Chukchi: Directionality vs. Dominance、Transitivity in Mongolian、《关于蒙古语方言的被动态和使动态》、《汉语对蒙古语的影响—东部地区蒙古族语言文化变迁》等。