As soon as somebody’s like, “And you said,” I’m like, “Oh God. Oh no.”: Variable Rule Analysis as Applied to Variationist Sociolinguistics

文章来源: 作者:11月07日 发布时间:2017-11-06 浏览次数:990



题:As soon as somebody’s like, “And you said,” I’m like, “Oh God. Oh no.”: Variable Rule Analysis as Applied to Variationist Sociolinguistics






This talk aims to familiarize students with the key concepts of sociolinguistics with a focus on the Labovian variation theory and variable rule analysis (VARBRUL) as applied to the analysis of natural language data gathered in a range of linguistic and social contexts. Among the concepts to be addressed are variationist sociolinguistics, variable, variation, and variant, speech community, and the vernacular. Emphasis will be placed on key issues such as identifying variables, circumscribing the variable context, extracting, coding and analyzing data and examining social and linguistic factors that condition linguistic variation. It is hoped that students are able to apply the insights gleaned in this talk to an original study of a linguistic variable of their choice.


郭鸿杰,山东滕州人,上海交通大学外国语学院副教授,博士,硕士生导师,翻译系副主任,主要研究方向为社会语言学、语料库语言学、科普翻译。出版社会语言学专著2部,在Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, International Journal of Applied Linguistics,《外语教学与研究》、《现代外语》等国内外语言学权威杂志发表学术论文20余篇。曾先后主持教育部人文社科项目2项、上海市哲社一般项目1项、国家社科基金一般项目1项。合作主编翻译教材1部、译著3部、作为总主编之一,出版了16册《融合大学英语》系列教程。已经完成近1,000万字/词的英汉科普双语历时平行语料库的建设。