Esther Pascual

文章来源:语言研究院 作者: 发布时间:2022-01-19 浏览次数:167

Biography 个人简介

A native of Barcelona, Spain, with Dutch citizenship and an American accent, I'm currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Linguistics and the Department of Spanish. I'm mainly working on what I've labeled ‘fictive interaction’, namely the non-genuine use of the intersubjective structure of conversation. Examples are non-information seeking questions (e.g. 'Why do this? Because it matters') and non-quotational direct speech (e.g. 'the attitude of 'yes, I can'). I've studied this phenomenon in various languages (English, Dutch, Spanish, signed languages), discourse types (literature, an ancient Chinese text, printed advertisements), and in different socio-cultural and communicative settings (legal argumentation, literature, the speech of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder). I am Co-Editor-in-Chief of thInternational Journal of Language and Culture and of the open-access journal Language Under Discussion, an Editorial Board member of Journal of LinguisticsJournal of Cultural Cognitive Science, and of the Human Cognitive Processing book series (John Benjamins), and currently serve as the President of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS).

Esther Pascual,出生于西班牙巴塞罗那,2003年获阿姆斯特丹自由大学博士。主要研究个人提出的“虚拟交互(fictive interaction)”概念,并在索引期刊上发表了大量关于该主题的文章,如 Cognitive Linguistics,Review of Cognitive Linguistics,Text & Talk,和 Pragmatics & Cognition,以及她2014年的专著Fictive Interaction与2016年与他人合著的The Conversation Frame,均由John Benjamins出版。Pascual博士已获得来自Fulbright foundation(富布赖特基金会)和Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(荷兰科学研究组织)的多项研究经费,以研究虚拟式交互现象。她在荷兰的大学学习和工作了14年,曾赴the University of California, 圣地亚哥, Ghent University, 比利时, the University of California, 伯克利, 以及Case Western Reserve University, 俄亥俄州进行访问学习。Pascual 博士目前担任“Language, Culture and Mind (语言,文化和心智)” 国际会议组织委员会的成员,也是Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics(西班牙认知语言学协会科学委员会)的常任委员。 同时,她还是同行评审的国际期刊 Language Under Discussion 的创始联合主编,目前担任International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (国际认知符号学协会)主席。

Personal webpages 个人网站:  


Webpage on fictive interaction  虚拟交互: 

期刊 International Journal of Language and Culture (IJoLC):    

期刊 Language Under Discussion(LUD):